Sunday, February 22, 2009

All the emotions...

...and a knuckle sandwich for both boys too. I think Kellen was enjoying the fact that Kaleb was overly tired and struggling through these photos.

Punt the Teddy!

Kellen's new favorite game around the house caught on camera...Punt the Teddy!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bowling continued...

Bowling with Kellen

We took Kellen bowling to kill some time and he loved it (go figure, there was a ball involved). He picked it up quick and did really well. The french fries were a big hit too.

Happy Valentines!!

Kellen and Kaleb received gift bags from Mommy & Daddy filled with love...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More posing and chow time

Kaleb has been eating rice cereal for a couple weeks and he already wants his own spoon!

Story time...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reach baby

Monday, February 2, 2009


Kellen took his first real header chasing a basketball on an asphalt court. When he got home today we talked about his mishap and his response was, "That was not fun Daddy".

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday!

We had some friends over for Super Bowl and Kellen helped us make (and eat) the fruit pizza, which turned out really good!


Kellen and best buddy Garrett (head Wrestling Coach's son) in their first match. It was pretty even...although Kellen is a weight class or two ahead of Garrett, but the wrestler held strong, and thru 3 rounds it was Garrett - 1, Kellen - 1, and call it a draw for round 3.